Surya Namaskar (sun salutation)

12 Steps Of Surya Namaskar and Advantages

Surya Namaskar is a well-known exercise or yoga practice for everyone. This type of two names Surya and Namaskar is beneficial and useful for the body and in this type you get many benefits at the same time.

Sun salutation is a popular Indian culture and is now widely practiced abroad and feels special. One type of Surya Namaskar has Twelve aasan at a time so you can experience different aasan


Do Surya namaskar in 12 steps, will keep the mind healthy along with the body.


Prayer pose image

1. Pranamasana [Prayer pose]

“Pranamasana” or Prayer pose is the 1st starting posture for Surya Namaskar mudra. In pranayama, the palms are joined together in the prayer posture.

The word ‘pranam’ is the root of Sanskrit and means “to give respect”. And aasan means a pose. thas why we call it Pranamasana. Keep feet together, keep body weight evenly on both legs. Stretch the chest and relax the shoulders.

While breathing, raise both hands to the side and while exhaling, bring both palms in front of the chest, and stand in the prayer posture.


Raised Arms Pose Image

2. Hasta Uttanasana [Raised arms pose]

The Hasta Uttansana or the raised arms pose is part of a series of Surya Namaskar asana. It appears as the 2nd and 11th mudra in Surya Namaskar.

Keeping your elbows close to your ears, raise your arms and bend back a little while breathing In this posture, try to spread your entire body from the heel of the feet to the toes.

This pose is easy to do and improves the digestive system to the abdominal organs.

Standing Forward Bend Pose Image

3. Hasta Padasana [Standing forward bend pose]

Hasta Padasana or standing forward bend pose it appear as the 3rd and 10th mudra in a Surya Namaskar. While exhaling, keep the spine straight from the waist and lean towards the front. After exhaling completely, place your palms on the ground with your feet.



High Lung Pose Image

4. Ashwa Sanchalanasana [High lung pose]

Ashwa Sanchalanasana or high lung pose is the 4th and 9th mudra of Surya Namaskar. This posture lifts the chest and the palms are bent on both sides of the front foot. The name Ashw comes from the Sanskrit word means “horse” and Sanchalana means “stepping movements”.

Breathe and bring your right leg back as far as you can. Make sure that your left leg is in between both palms.



Plank Pose Image

5.Dandasana [Plank pose]

Dandasana or plank pose is the 5th pose in Surya Namaskar. Engage your core muscle, and activate all the muscles in your body. Make the necessary adjustments to brings your whole body in a straight line parallel to the ground, neutral your neck.

Inhale, pull the left leg backward and keep your entire body in line. Place your hands at right angles to the ground.



Eight limbed salutation Image

6. Ashtanga Namaskara [Eight limbed salutation]

Ashtanga Namaskar or eight limited poses is part of the Surya Namaskar series of asanas. It appears as the 6th pose in Surya Namaskar.

Bring slowly your knees to the ground and exhale. Raise your back slightly. Eight parts of the body, both hands, both legs, knees, chest, and chin, should touch the ground.

In this pose, the body touches the ground at eight places.


Cobra Pose Image

7. Bhujangasana [Cobra pose]

Bhujangsana or cobra pose is the 7th mudra of Surya Namaskar. Lean forward and raise your chest like snakes. Also, in this position, you can bend the corners of your hands, keep your shoulders away from your ears.

Exhale, slowly bring the chest forward. And while exhaling, push the navel down. Straighten the toes. Pull as much as your body pulls from you, don’t pull more than this.


Downward facing dog pose image

8. Adho Mukha Svanasana [Downward facing dog pose]

Adho Mukha Svanasan or downward-facing dog pose is the 8th mudra in Surya Namaskar. This pose raises the abdomen and straightens your spine.

In Sanskrit Adho means “down”, Mukh means “face” and Swana means a dog. It gives your whole body energy and consciousness along with your mind.

Inhale and move your spine and buttocks up, chest down. When assembled, try to keep the heel of your foot on the ground and try to lift your monkey bone.


High Lunge Pose Image

9. Ashwa Sanchalanasana [High lung pose]

Ashwa Sanchalanasana or high lung pose is the 4th and 9th mudra of Surya Namaskar. This posture lifts the chest and the palms are bent on both sides of the front foot. The name Ashw comes from the Sanskrit word means “horse” and Sanchalana means “stepping movements”.

Breathe and bring your right leg back as far as you can. Make sure that your left leg is in between both palms.


Standing forward bend pose image

10. Hasta Padasana [Standing forward bend pose]

Hasta Padasana or standing forward bend pose it appear as the 3rd and 10th mudra in a Surya Namaskar.

Exhale and bring your left leg forward. Place your palms on the ground. If you feel it, you can bend your knees slightly. Exhale and bring your left leg forward. Place your palms on the ground. If you feel it, you can bend your knees slightly.


Raised Arms Pose Image

11. Hastauttanasana [Raised arms pose]

The Hasta Uttansana or the raised arms pose is part of a series of Surya Namaskar asana. It appears as the 2nd and 11th mudra in Surya Namaskar.

Keeping your elbows close to your ears, raise your arms and bend back a little while breathing In this posture, try to spread your entire body from the heel of the feet to the toes.

This pose is easy to do and improves the digestive system to the abdominal organs.

Inhale, straighten your back and raise your arms. Try to bend your hips slightly forward and back. Make sure your wrists are close to your ears because pulling up is more important than pulling your arms back.


Mountain pose image

12. Tadasana [Mountain pose]

Tadasana or mountain pose is the last and 12th mudra of a Surya Namaskar. While exhaling, straighten your body and then bring your hands down. Rest in this position. Observe the vibration occurring in your body.


Benefits of Suryanamaskar


1. Helps to lose weight

If the people suffering from obesity due to obesity, then they can reduce their weight and can also be repaired and with its help of metabolism.

2. Improve digestive system

People with weak digestive systems should be in the sun, as this strengthens the digestive system and solves the gas problem.

3. Improve to strengthen muscle and joints

Various asanas are performed during sun salutation with the help of which muscles and joints are strengthened. Also, the neck and arms become stronger.

4. Fitness and flexibility

Sun salutation is a comprehensive exercise that benefits the whole body. At the fitness level of the body, this exercise gives strength and stretch to the body. Ashtanga Namaskar This seat works on the joints of the wrists, the front fold extends the limbs and forms the spine, and much more.

5. Glowing skin

Sun mask is also beneficial for improving skin. During this exercise, blood flows properly in the body which also removes glow and wrinkles from the skin.

6.Remedy for disease

People suffering from blood sugar, anxiety, kidney disease, and other ailments can live a healthy life by getting rid of these ailments if they do sun salutation every day.


The perfect time to Surya Namaskar

The best time to sunbathe is in the morning, so those who want to do this exercise should do it before 6 am. Also, your stomach should be empty while doing this exercise.



It is important to be careful while doing this and if possible learn it from a yoga teacher and then start it on your own.

If a person has any kind of injury or spinal cord injury, he should not do this exercise.

Every posture to be done under this exercise should correct.

You need to know when to inhale and when to exhale while Surya Namaskar.

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